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Maximize today’s opportunities and tomorrow’s value

Guidance for growth and transition planning


Every successful, lasting business goes through three stages: creation, growth, and transition. A business’s value and legacy are determined in the middle stage of growth and the critical process of transition.


That’s where SHOWBRANDS focuses—on providing tools, guidance, and expertise to improve business performance for micro and middle-market food and CPG businesses, maximizing today’s opportunities and tomorrow’s value.


As a fellow entrepreneur, I am passionate about hearing your owner story and understanding your business. And, having built, grown, and transitioned my own businesses, I bring real-world experience, proven solutions, and effective processes to my growth and transition planning services.

Food and Beverage Market Expertise


As a specialist in food, beverage, and consumer brand businesses, I excel at working with:

  • Specialty food and niche packaged food brands

  • Private label food companies

  • Food-related suppliers, such as copackers, niche distributors, packaging companies, and raw material suppliers

Growth Planning, Product, and Program Development

Generate higher revenue, develop and launch products and programs, master multichannel markets, and increase business value.

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Plan for and achieve a successful business transition on your terms to secure financial freedom and your legacy.

Start the conversation


Ready to learn more? Let’s connect—confidentially, of course.


Reach out today.

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